Stalla Passmaster Questions

Anyone out there using stalla passmaster? I concern that the questions seem to be lower than CFA level. I am getting them right 80-90% of the time and I am not too happy about my preparation so far. Not that I haven’t beed studying but its just that I know I still can crank it up another notch:) Let me know

I’ve heard that passmaster is a little bit on the easy side in general, but what study session questions have you completed already? I just finished them for SS 1 and am in the same boat. I think in general ethics isn’t too bad, but I can’t say how tough the passmaster software is for the later sections…i’ll have a better answer sometime on the weekend.

I am on Quants - Hypoth (this weekend). I will be doing quants(1 1/2hr), ethics (1/2 hr) and econ 3 (hrs min). If I am to be honest however, the quetions in the CFA books are not that tough either. What do you think? I have been doing the econ ones.