Stalla Self Study CD or Internet/Live Course

Hello: I purchased the Stalla Self Study CD’s with the Enhanced System, but am having second thoughts since the live web or in-person classes would have been no extra charge. Should I switch to the internet based course (or maybe the course in Charlotte)? I could always use the CD’s as needed or instead of the lectures, right? Thank you! Daniel

I attended the live class, and one of the things that was definitely I would consider for a future course is the following: 1. Quality of the lecturers is definitely much lower than Peter Olinto and even Bob Stalla who do the CDs. 2. You have plenty of folks who ask meaningless questions in the class, and take away a lot of time from the class itself. 3. You do not have the option to stop/rewind/relearn in that forum. *** while you can do it with the lecture later, you are spending much more time – travel, etc. etc. which eats into 3 hours + more of your time every week. I would go for the lecture CD any day. CP

Thanks. What do you think about signing up for the on-line class and attending the classes as needed *following* watching the lecture CD’s? Free right? No harm - can only help?

The self-study CD course is pretty good (Peter Olinto rocks!) and you have access to support from the teaching staff, with replies to your queries in 24 hours or less. You can do it at your own pace (you’ll move more quickly than the class schedule, I bet), with no dependency on internet/online access. I though of going to live classes too, but as CPK123 said, the thought of having folks asking meaningless questions and wasting valuable time stopped me.