Stalla vs. Schweser

I’m sure this has been asked a hundred times, but is there anyone who’s tried both and has a preference? Or know of someone? I’ve used Stalla for L1&2 and passed both and was pretty happy with the study guides and passmaster software. But as I’m starting studying now, the L3 Stalla materials don’t come out until mid December. Any thoughts out there? Thanks

If you order Stalla now, they might give you set of 2010 books for free. I ordered last month and got the 2010 set to get me started. I used Schweser exclusively for L1. For L2, I started with Schweser full pkg with Video CD and then couple of months later I happened to attend a free Stalla FSA class by Peter Olinto in NYC. I was sold on Stalla after that. I really liked the Stalla live classes and video classes. For level 3, I am going with Stalla because I heard Peter Hetherington is doing most of the L 3 Video classes. I might buy Schweser Practice Exams for more coverage. I also plan to use CFAI texts whenever I need and do the CFAI EOC problems.

Wow, I’m pretty disappointed they’re releasing the materials that “late.” I like their approach better, so I’m probably just going to end up biting the bullet and focus on the curriculum until then.

Does anyone know if Stalla is going to have live classes during the week in NYC? So far they only have Saturday classes schedule posted…

krnyc2008 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone know if Stalla is going to have live > classes during the week in NYC? So far they only > have Saturday classes schedule posted… I used Schweser book for level 1 and found it ok. In my opinion, Schweser has better exam questions and an amazing resource called the secret sauce. I found Stalla had better lectures notes. I also went through Stalla live classes for level 2 and I didn’t find them too helpful. What I did find very very helpful was their lecture DVD’s and lecture notes. I would not have passed level 2 and 3 without them. I actually studied exclusively off those and passed but I knew those little books inside out for every level. For level 2 and 3, my study partner used schweser and CFAI text. At the end, we both passed so everyone has their own way of studying for this. The main take away from this is that you don’t need to know everything in that book, just 70% of it or 90% on the core and +50% on the fluff. My approach was to know the core fundamental concepts inside out and aim for +50% on all the “fluff” concepts. If you do a search on this, you will find a lot of resources regarding stalla vs schweser

Thx deep2002 for your input. Compared to Stalla L2 Video DVDs, did you find their L3 video similarly helpful? I already ordered them since I heard most of them are done by David Hetherington.

Yes very helpful. I never opened the CFAI textbooks for any of the levels. After level 1, I only used either secret sauce and/or stalla lecture notes to pass the exams. David Hetherington is amazing and last year’s level 3 lecture videos were mainly with him. Ben Jones does a few of them but those are not the fundamental sections so you won’t miss out on much in those sections.

I’m going to be quoted in stalla’s marketing material, so obviously my vote goes to Stalla

Great. Thx deep2002 for the Stalla L3 video feedback.