Stay at home or working spouse?

Or a 23 year old

it’s all good

this is textbook. i have found there are very very very few families that bang em out like us.

too many couples who can afford to have a bunch of kids have two working parents with decent but not blockbuster jobs so both want and kind of need to work to get by comfortably (by today’s “gotta have my bmw” standards). if you go more than two, it ruins somebody’s career, most likely the woman’s. thus the break. OR people have this obsession with having a baby of a certain sex and push it.

i have 4 boys. it’s crazy. it’s like a frat house except i do all the drinking and the kids do all the hazing.

All valid reasons but just doesn’t resonate with me I guess. Two would be the max for me and most likely just one

I am dating someone but too soon to make life partner judgement yet

Congrats! Also, having one child is torture. No way I’d have a single kid – probabilities of them being a brat increase dramatically

So you’re saying that your options are open? :wink:

There’s another word for the term “dating”.


Dating = Porking

knyc - cats don’t count as dating …

I am a single child :wink:

Haha no I don’t date multiple people. It’s hard enough to get to know one person well…

I get you. I like to get to know a girl inside and out before I take that next step myself.

haha yes, more time at hand = more time to shop~!




My wife and I recently decided not to have kids. The look on people’s faces when I tell them is a look of disbelief.

Any medical procedures planned (tube tie plans or vasectomy)?

Why is it so hard to believe? many couples don’t have kids these days…

I’m planning on getting snipped.

I feel like this decision is more commonplace today? I don’t think couples without kids are stigmatized as much it seems to me.