STFU bout dis Fiscal Cliff

Tired of hearing bout it over and over with finger pointing, mudslinging, and all out accusations.

Starting a thread about it is exactly the way I’d go about trying to stop people from discussing it.

Haha, my one outlet. The clowns in the office keep rambling bout dis fiscal cliff and how it’ll effect them. It then turns into a policy of how taxes should be, and finally a discussion regarding how the repubs should control the country versus these damn dems.

In any case, anyone have some firepower for me to kick in when I’m inevitably summoned for my .02?

I think the idea is “Let’s just table it until we can win an election decisively and get what we want without making deals.”

It’s really annoying seeing pictures of them, all sheepishly smiling… them, their families, their friends, are all set forever, and comfortable, and they drag out this drama, they gotta man up… these rich little pampered boys in Congress, including POTUS… man up, get this done before my January call expiries…

DJ Newswires: Obama ready to present new fiscal cliff proposals

…market is recovering only a little…

House votes Sunday at 630pm. Market has almost recouped all losses going into close…

^Good call. I also see a slightly different variation, with each politician thinking “Let’s table it until I retire.”

CFAvMBA is a trolling clown…so he says he doesn’t want to hear about it…then he starts a whole thread about it…then he blames it on his co-workers who talk about it…can’t make this crap up