still mad about exam...

I left 2 and still passed …but i nailed PM…so its possible…pray…

Got less than 50 in 8 in AM…still passed…but I nailed PM…so have hope and pray.

Did you have a good ethics score? Was it a Mixed bag of everything was about 70?

Extremely good ethics score…6 above 70,1 50-70 and 1 below 50 in PM…rough score as per my calculation in PM was 51/60…atleast 48 i was sure i will get…

2 subquestions? or 2 whole questions?

sub parts of many questions almost making 25 points equivalent to 2 whole questions

Good luck, I think time constraint is the common problem we have for the level III.

More mad at myself than the exam. I had the knowledge but I rushed and made stupid mistakes. I hope my PM makes up for my shitty AM.