Study Strategy Going Forward

Just wanted to know how everyone plans to study for the next 4 months. Especially those who work full time 10 hours a day + commute. How do you plan getting studying done during the week? I have been studying on weekends for 8 to 12 hours total. But haven’t been able to study on weekdays.

I read volumes 2 to 6 (except SS 31 & 32) and now doing EOC and BB problems from each SS and thereby expaunding on my notes 2 folds as I realize how to implement what is taught in each SS. This will take couple of months to go through each SS this way.

Share your strategy please and good luck to us all!

No idea. Working 60 hour weeks plus weekends with a wife whose patience is running out :frowning:

Stop working at 9pm or 10pm…study until 12am or 1am…go home, sleep, wake up, shower, go to work, repeat. Take a day off here and there as long as you’re on or ahead of schedule (make a schedule, that is very important). On weekends, go to the office max by noon…study there until 5/6pm, go home and chill, maybe grab a brew or workout…depending on your needs. Do this on both Saturday and Sunday. Id say for now you can be slightly less intense…but definitely run this routine to the T 1-2 months out. Also, if you need to work on the weekends, get to the office earlier. I definitely found my productivity to be higher if I wasnt at home. I did take the week off before the exam though and studied at home…but you have the whole day so you can afford to get distracted a bit and still get a good 6-8 hours in.

Certainly can relate with respect to the 10/hr job + commute. Here’s my way of managing it:

  1. The commute is precious studying time. In my case I can only commute-study on my way home but that still gives me 30 min. per day, so 2.5 hrs per week.

  2. If you’re able to pull this out, lunchtime is also precious. I do 1hr everyday without fault, and there goes another 5 hours

  3. The tough ones…I study 1.5-2hrs per night but I have a cooperative wife. I take Friday nights off

  4. Weekends. I put in 7.5 hrs total. I wake up early on a Saturday (as I’m doing now) and study from 5:30-6:00 to early afternoon, and then I carry on with normal life in the rest of the weekend. Alternatively, I’ll do 3-4 hrs each morning.

Adds up to ~22hrs/wk.

That’s my theoretical week. In practice, stuff happens. This week I had to fill-in for my boss on an out-of-town assignment and CFA took the wayside for a couple days. Which means I have to do 15 hrs this weekend. Important advice (at least it works for me): Time your study sessions and stay accountable.It’s the key to discipline. Sundry stuff will come in the way but knowing the impact on your CFA schedule allows you to reallocate time appropriately.

Ok, off to the books!

First Mock completed this past weekend. I am going over the answers tonight and will attempt it two more times until I can work through every problem and understand why/how I missed it.

I plan on doing this for every mock, and I plan on doing over 10 of them. With my inbetween time, I plan on knowing Ethics/GIPS/Code of Conduct ridiculously well.