stupid xl question

I hate when I can’t remember how to do simple things in xl… how do you remove text from a cell? to add I know you go: =cell & “” but say I want to remove the first 5 characters of each cell…then what? Client #1

There is an easy way to do it if all the entries are the same length… Just do a =RIGHT(cell,#) else…

if all the cells have the same amount of characters, you could use the left() or right() functions. if, for example, you want to remove all text after @ (and including @) in an email address in cel a1, use left(a1,search("@",a1)-1)

Wow that’s pretty nifty, Why not just incorporate the =LEN(#) function to count the string length and subtract accordingly. In other words: =RIGHT(CELL,LEN(Cell)-5) That solves it…

nice excel trick!