Suggestion please-practice questions-FIN QUIZ-item question

Hi All,

Completed Institute books first round with Blue box and EOC question , revising schweser and practicing FIN QUIZ online question.

Can somebody please share what is an ideal score.

  1. Ethics is averaging between 70-80%
  2. BF- 55-65%
  3. Alterative assets- is the worst - not sure why, as I could do both Schweser and EOC institute questions well - 50-60%
  4. Equity Port Mgmt-70-75%- high variance -sometimes 100% and some 60%- g
  5. Port Decision /Trading & monitoring - 70-80&
  6. Evaluating Port Perf- Another worst performer -specially with quality charts-50%

Rereading concepts is only burning me out. I am reading book wise- Book5, Book1, book4- …

I am a repeater for Level3 …

Can someone please suggest how to improve scores - do I require to read material or practice more and more quesitons itself.

Thanks in advance, Swetha

Practice questions
