Sunday June 7th

has been the longest day ever. funny how much time exists once I’m not trying to calculate swap payments. Results come out WHEN? Guess the mania is not *quite* over yet… sigh.

The 28th of July. I feel like that’s a year from now.

@ Slorte I couldn’t agree more! Sunday has been unending…i did soooo many things today…and its still Sunday! July 28th…that’s light years away! They should reduce their # of days of inventory…too many assets tied in there for tooo long :slight_smile: !

ha ha, CFA1 Buster, that is funny you say that. I got so much done on Sunday and it was 3 PM, and i’m sitting around trying to figure out what to do with myself. So I picked up my CAIA-L1 books and started reading…ahhh i’m a sucker for punishment.