Sup Greenie - Only in TX - Respect

What poor sap gets a hooker on Christmas Eve? Jewish perhaps?

SAN ANTONIO — A South Texas man has been acquitted in the shooting death of a woman he met on Craigslist as a possible escort.

A jury in San Antonio on Wednesday acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of murder.

The defense says Gilbert was protecting himself from theft when he shot Lenora Frago on Christmas Eve 2009. She died several months later.

Attorneys for Gilbert say he paid the woman $150 to have sex — then she refused, balked at returning the money and said she had to give the cash to her driver. The defense said Gilbert’s actions were justified because he was trying to retrieve stolen property and the driver was part of the theft scheme.

If this was Florida, what would have happened?

Ummm…I’m at a loss for words.

Well, I guess if I give you money for goods or services, you’re obliged to deliver them. If you don’t you’re stealing from me, and I have a right to protect myself from people stealing from me. Whether I should shoot you and kill you is a little grayer.

One thing is certain–he was acquitted by a jury of his peers. so they must know more than us.

Isn’t it a bit…excessive to kill someone over $150? WTH, it’s Texas.

^ Not in Texas. You wonder why I try to stay on Greenie’s good side.

Is it? Why do we need civil courts then?

My mechanic cheats me by working 1 hour and charging me 2; I should just go shoot him.

Oh wait, I have recourse because I am not a loser john breaking the law myself by hiring a prostitute. I say Ezekiel cheated the government out of a fine for breaking the law, the sherriffs should have just shot him dead. Why have trials and crap?

Gotta suck for this guy, even working girls wont sleep with him.