Survey from CFAI

Has anyone else been picked to do this “random” survey. Apparently it takes only 10 minutes or so and must be done by May 29. Here is my first reaction to this … R U KIDDING ME? Don’t you guys know that all of my time is being spent in preparing for YOUR exam? How do you (CFAI) expect me to do this fr@king survey when my mind is focused in trying to remember the differences btw US GAAP vs IFRS, purchase vs pooling, FRAs, Treynor Black, Heterokedasticity and how to detect for unit root … and YOU WANT ME TO DO A SURVEY? R U KIDDING ME? At least, let me do this AFTER June 6, not before.

how do you detect a unit root?? dickey fuller?

You sure they won’t be sampling with errors after June 6th?

My response to them: suck it!

I may be blaspheming here - but ask SWG for proof: there was documented proof last year that people who received the survey last year and answered it --> passed !!!

^^ In that case … I’ll give them RAVE reviews LOL.

I just took the survey. Looks like CFAI is on the track for more aggressive marketing? (Perhaps due to the recent drop in CFA candidates enrollment?)

cpk123 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I may be blaspheming here - but ask SWG for proof: > > > there was documented proof last year that people > who received the survey last year and answered it > --> passed !!! I failed last year when I admitted to only using 3rd party study materials. (band 10) The survey conspiracy was ringing in my ears. I don’t think this survey is very random since they specify it to YOUR email address and warn you that if you forward the email it will not work. Tread lightly, they know its you.

Yeah I just completed it. One question was in the order of how do you promote the CFA course to other people. I was thinking I tell people the truth…… It a terrible experience that takes up way to much time with a high probability of failure. Hmmm I must be feeling the pinch with only 3 weeks to go. Perhaps I’ll feel better after the exam.

quote: I may be blaspheming here - but ask SWG for proof: there was documented proof last year that people who received the survey last year and answered it --> passed !!! endquote Not true … sadly.

Just got the survey. Guess I am going to pass.

^^ Nice job, DanLieb. Me too.

I just did the survey. They’re thinking about setting up a message board. Somehow I don’t think I’d speak as freely on their forum.

fck — I am refreshing my mailbox at 100 mps. No Survey email for me yet. I am dropping out of the program if I don’t get it right this time.

got the survey last nite, completed it this morning.

Maybe it’s not so random, everybody gets it!

I also completed the survey. it’s less than 10 minutes. I spend far more time on AF.

Whoa gios. See below. June 2008 Level I: 35% Level II: 46% Level III: 53% ^^ percentage of candidates at each level who received the survey in 2008. Kidding aside, 46% seems like a high pass rate. I was thinking it was like 40%.

Well, CFAI never tell us what denominator they use when calculating the pass rate. If they didn’t include the 22% people who were no show, the pass rate is overstated.

Survey whats the point. You waste 10 min of your time and don’t get nothing in return. They sent that $hit to me last year, I totally ignored it. Still passed I win.