SWAPS-derivatives section.

Swaps in the derivative section of CFAI notes is humongous… especially the stuff related to leveraged and inverse floaters and adding a call feature to a otherwise non callable bond… the stuff though seems important finds no place in schweser notes…i have started doing it because there is no “optional” sign in the column… Is this a part opf the portion or not ?? r u guys doing it ??

I could be wrong but weren’t inverse floaters level 2?? I dont remember seeing them on Level 3 material, but maybe I just don’t remember reading it.

Which SS/pages are you referring to? I don’t recall reading it either…

The material was in SS13…Application of SWAP in risk managnment. Schweser didn’t have a word on invest-floater, it was all in CFAI material.

I think thev SWAP material is testable … and schweser does not even mention it … Schweser is ridiculous for swaps and alternate investments…

i think one of the exam tips in the schweser books was that the swap material is a favourite testing area. So, reading through CFAI might be a good idea.

I left this section for last…sounds invigorating

inverse floater, leveraged floater seem not to have been mentioned in any LOS. Probably that’s not necessary and Schweser has done the proper material selection. - sticky

I hope we dont end up in a sticky situation! Haha