I’m graduating in May with a degreee in finance and testing in June. I keep hearing people say that I am stupid. Anybody ever done this?
I’m doing it right now! Just like you, I’m a finance major and taking the test in June. A lot are doing so right now, but what separates the kids from the adults is the dedication you put into it. It’s not like any test you’ve ever sat for and there’s absolutely no way to “wing” it. But it will be very hard if you have a full load of classes _and_ you’re taking the test. I am taking just one class that I needed to graduate, doing an internship and studying for the test.
I am graduation in May as well, however, I just decided that obtaining my CFA would be beneficial. I plan on taking it in December so that I way I am ensured a buffer should anything come up.
I’ll be taking it in June and I graduated last March. I didn’t think taking it the June right after graduating (especially since most graduate in the May/June timeframe) would allow enough time to prepare well enough to pass. I had a couple of classmates that took it that June while still taking classes and they all failed. It just seems like a lot to study for in addition to trying to study for mid terms and finals.
I will graduate in July this year, but I decided to take CFA level 1 in December last year, because June I will have exams at my university. I passed it:) In my opinion it was a very good idea especially because I learned so many new things and also because I consider that currently I have something more to talk about at a potential interview for a job than an ordinary student. My advise is to take the exam. Good luck, Mireille
Also a valid point. If you do have the time to dedicate to it then by all means go for it. It just seems like my peers underestimated it and got dominated.