Might as well get the ball rolling on this…
I believe last year it was something related to applying a scholarship or something. And if you weren’t able to then that means you passed. Let’s keep an eye out for any tricky the institute puts forth this year. Thanks all and best of luck everyone!
Let’s do it but this road show starts 2-3 days heading to D-Date or I missed something?
“You are ineligible for the 2017 scholarship” = PASS (one day before official results)
Wow! That looks interesting! Can anyone else confirm the same?
And if you’re not able to log into your account on the CFA Web site, you know what that means…
I did not know even that. Hopefully no one face this thing.
Last year there was the whole “1 box vs 2 box” debate as a tell or not. From what I read 2 box means that when you apply for the scholarship you will get an error message saying you are ineligible for the scholarship. There were reports last year of 1 box passing, but I didn’t see any reports of a 2 box failing… Maybe it is a tell, maybe the CFAI fixed it. Let the games begin.
I logged in the other day to my candidate resources and noticed a" receiving your charter" menu! Got excited for a few seconds, and in fact got a little lift seeing it again now…how tantalizing fingers & toes crossed for August
And if you cannot open the CFA website at all, it is a sign that the server is down.
There were at least two tell-tale signs last year. I encountered the box thing and the error login.