TEST SOFTWARE Written response

I know this software is relatively new. I had no issue with it for Level 2 where there was no written.

But for Level 3 I am not feeling confident in how to enter my work for any of the formula-driven questions + call me old-fashioned but for all those questions I must rather do the work on a piece of paper and then transfer it to the computer, clicking buttons on the keyboard simply dont click into my head when working through math problems… I agree dumb.

Anyway I’m looking to hear from those who have used the program for level 3. Tips suggestions, pro’s/cons, your thoughts really!

Appreciate it and best of luck to all those writing this week we got this!

From Feb 2023, A correct numerical value typed in the essay box by itself receives full credit — formulas and explanations are not required.

You can finish your calculation process on the paper and just type the number into the essay box. No formulas is required.