Thanks for deleting that thread.I will never post on WC again unless someone mentions me in thier comments.

I expected you to understand “english” being a citizen of USA.Your comment suggests that either you don’t know english or you shamelessly twisted my words…I never ever in any of my posts told that the “girl” “deserved” to be gangraped.I was just of an opinion that she should not have done the “stupidity” of going to a date with a criminal in a crime prone area.I think i have already mentioned earlier that it was 99.99% fault of the rapist.

I think Greenman and bchad sir has correctly interpreted my comments.

Stop shamelessly twisting peoples’ words, ramos.

We don’t turn on victims either.

The rapists will surely be punished for their crime may be with a death penalty.

I have already apologized for the fact that i posted perhaps an offensive thread.

Thanks for understanding.

I have no problem with it.

I am not going to post any other thread on WC again.So i am as good as banned.

However i may post certain cfa material related doubts in CFAL2 or hope fully CFAL3 sections of AF.

I request you to ignore those threads.

Stop being racist bro…damn.

Sir i have finally figured out that i don’t belong to WC section of AF.

1)I started my journey by posting jokes.Unfortunately few people had problems with it so i stopped posting jokes.

2)Then i started threads on psychological/metaphysical issues like dreams/concept of life and god etc…But i was criticized for my threads.I was even criticized for posting topics like “thematic tests” on AF.

3)I also started posting various links about how we can apply marketing/HR/psychological/Physics concepts like blue ocean strategy/maslow’s theory/heinsberg’s theory etc in finance but again people tagged me as an “attention seeker”.

4)Lastly i tried to share topics like “wife canning her husband”/“how a girl infected 343 men by Hiv”/ and the recent rape topic.How ever we all know that it didnot went down well with other AF members.

Thus i have decided not to post any threads on WC from now.

^low key that is kind of weird

This thread gets weirder with every post. Seriously. W… T… F… ??

All rahul wanted was to share his interest in domestic violence, attempted manslaughter and rape, and you people tore him down. Who is the real monster here? Not rahul… not rahul.

Again, in order to be fair to RR:

IIRC, I don’t think he ever said “Hahaha!!! Bitch got what she deserved!!! That’ll teach her!!!”

He just said, “I don’t feel sorry for her”, then posted a pretty gruesome story about a girl who (presumably) went out to cheat on her husband, but got more than she bargained for.

Those who didn’t actually read the story shouldn’t opine on the verbiage that RR used. Instead, you should just opine on his usual incoherent, nonsensical babble, and the fact that he feels the need to post a reply that’s as long as War and Peace to every single post that remotely references him.

I have No interest in any of the above activites.I just wanted to share some news and it didnot went down well with others so i apologized and promised to not post a thread ever again.

Wait…Rahul Roy = bchads troll alter ego?

Can’t be unless Chad is also NANA. In which case half the users of this forum are the same person.

RR - I think you are a good person and like to give you an advice. Dont post or reply to everything that was said about you. This is a great forum to post your views and learn about different subjects that we dont talk about in person in general or ask for opnions on your career/personal development. Dont make it a fight club. Noone dislike you, they dont like your post!

Some of the folks here have given you good feedback in past. Try to work on those things and be a fun or valuable contributor. You not necessarily have to post all your thoughts here. Be good!

You guys just won’t let him go, will you?

Thanks for understanding.

When you read something here that angers you, you should emulate Lord Shiva and practice forgiveness and understanding. Also, Lord Shiva would probably say “please get me some sandwiches”, since his many hands make it convenient for him to eat multiple sandwiches at once - just not beef sandwiches, of course.