That eggnog recipe I mentioned

I’ve been out of it for a while here, so the eggnog I was planning to make on Christmas Eve didn’t happen until New Year’s Eve. Here’s the (full) recipe; I made only a half batch this year (because eggnog and Norco don’t mix well . . . I’m told):

Beat together 12 egg yolks until creamy. (Refrigerate the egg whites for later; see below.)

Add 1 lb. confectioner’s sugar and beat until thoroughly mixed and a light lemon yellow.

Slowly add 2 cups liquor ( dark rum , brandy , bourbon , rye , or a mixture), beating constantly. (I hate rum, so I use brandy.)

Cover and let stand at room temperature for one hour.

Slowly add 2 quarts whipping cream , beating constantly, until smooth. Add 2 – 4 cups chosen liquor , beating constantly, until smooth. Optionally, add 1 cup peach brandy , beating until smooth. (I use 4 cups of brandy, and always add the peach brandy (or, in a pinch, peach schnapps).)

Whip 12 egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold the egg whites into the eggnog.

Refrigerate three hours before serving. Top each serving with freshly grated nutmeg.

Enjoy it!

sounds tasty

I wonder if maple syrup (pure canadian) could be a sub for the sugar

^ only if you’re sure to use very very light maple syrup so the drink doesn’t end up tasting only of maple syrup.

Thanks! Perfect timing for the Russian Old New Year.

I wonder if I can sub sugar with honey, because the amount of sugar is a bit revolting.

No ice cream? Weak.

^^ Ice cream in the eggnog??

I scream you scream …

Oh yeah. Put some vanilla ice cream in the bowl of nog and let it melt a bit before serving (even after it’s completely melted it’s still great). It thickens it up while adding extra awesomeness.

Source: I’m from the Midwest, where we know how to make things much more unhealthy and, hence, better tasting.

So my friend made me egg nog with Bourbon, Frangelico, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg.

It also tastes great in coffee.

Must try the s2k version, too.

Actually the ice cream is a perfect solution to subbing the sugar.

Re Midwest: You just reminded me of the 3 course breakfasts in New Orleans. Heavens!