Thats it. I quit.

Damn it, it was supposed to say: I’ve correctly answered 100% of the questions I’ve attempted.

Houston said: “Caspian, what are you doing now?” Im done with all the material and have taken 2 of the 3 Schweser exams. So now Im just reviewing all the sections that have repeatedly given me problems, but with six weekends left (seven including the one we just went through), im feeling a bit…ahead of myself. I really didnt want to get to this point until 3 weeks out, but obviously Im early. So now I have a whole other f*cking problem to deal with; Not getting burnt out a month before the test.

Casp, buddy - well done in getting through the material so quick and already doing exams. I’m still battling through end of chapter questions. Put in almost 10 hrs on Sat and another 7 yesterday with Pinkman. I spent a lot of that time on derivatives, cuz those have always been my Achilles Heel, but I’m almost out of that section and feeling WAY more confident than I ever have before in that section. I definitely wish I was in your shoes, as I’ll be losing the first weekend in May to fly back to Canada for my P’s anniversary and a buddy’s wedding…so I’m sure next to nothing will be accomplished on the study front. Maybe on the plane? I’m hoping we all slay this b!tch this time. Keep on killin’ it dude!

Sponge_Bob_CFA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Damn it, it was supposed to say: > > I’ve correctly answered 100% of the questions I’ve > attempted. I liked it the first way.

“Casp, buddy - well done in getting through the material so quick and already doing exams. I’m still battling through end of chapter questions.” I havent done the end of chapter questions yet. I was going to do those through the money of May.

Sad because you’re ahead of schedule. That’s a first. As Zim said, I rather be in your shoes. Don’t get burnt out, just do questions, but only dedicate an hour or so. Or work on your weak areas even more. I have yet to review entire equity and Derivative section. I’m leaving Equity till last, since I think I forgot that the most. So much going on this year, that I wouldn’t even surprised, opposed to last year, if I fail.

“I’ve correctly answered 100% of the questions I’ve attempted.” Eh?

Don’t worry Houston, you are still well ahead of me, and I’ll be surprised if I fail…

Turk - Isn’t that the Turkish flag at the top of this page in the banner ad? So weird, that just f*cked me up!

Anyone want to split the cost of a Qbank or something?

I’m almost done reading Book 4. Hooray. Caspian, if I were you, I’d take a week off and relax - you’ve got so much time left it’s sickening. If I can read through all the material by May 7th, leaving me about a month left to review, I still consider myself more prepared than most.

“Anyone want to split the cost of a Qbank or something?” How much is it?

“Anyone want to split the cost of a Qbank or something?” Caspian, email me. I have it, we can work something out.

Sh!t H - I wish I would’ve asked about that a while ago. I was thinking of trying to organize something like that, cuz I’m rocking '07 still.

"Caspian, if I were you, I’d take a week off and relax - you’ve got so much time left it’s sickening. " Nah, but I am going to take it easy through the end of April, and just focus on two of my problem areas, Quant and PM. Then when May gets here (lets not forget that there’s FIVE weekends in May), I’ll go back to reviewing generally. I definitely f*cked up the timing of the studying. I think this might be a big mistake.

Zim, your still using one from '07?

i tried my 2007 QBank and it said it was expired! wTF!? i paid for it!! and they take it away from me? Schweser SUCKs.

Ya, same here. That’s why I got '08. Zim, you found a way around it? And why does Schweser do that. we paid for it, we should be able to use it as long as we want!

I have heard that the time and date in the bottom right hand corner of your screen can do wonders for computer programs that have expiration dates. Unfortunately I have the 08 Qbank so I have no idea how to make 07 work.

i feel robbed and humiliated.