The Exam

you should get them the last week of January (give or take). They will be emailed with a summary of your performance in each area

haha spot on. Unless you crushed it, people generally feel worst right after… and the confidence creeps in

It seems the general consensus over the years for L1 has been: afternoon is harder

Most people have that same comment. Schweser practice is almost always more quant based vs the actual. They do it on purpose, to get you to learn the calculations stuff cold. Let’s you spend more time on the thinking stuff

I found about 5 empty seats at my test center. Some might have given up right before the exam. A friend of mine even saw a few guys sat for the exam in the morning but did not show up for the afternoon session. Ahhh, I don’t understand why they did it half way and didn’t want to attempt with the other half. That’s a waste fo efforts, time and money.

One thing that made me surprised was that many young people take the exam, at least at my test center. I can say 2/3 of candidates range about 21-23 and they looked quite confident.

Do we get an email from CFAI about the exact date in January that we will receive our results?

Anybody confident enough to buy the materials for L2 and start studying? I’m a bit tempted, even though I am not confident. Otherwise, two months wasted doing nothing :slight_smile:

I want to start reviewing but I don’t see the point, you can be super confident and still not pass.

I would just enjoy the time off. You’ll probably fail Level 2 anyway (statistically speaking) so you might as just have fun for a few weeks.

I believe they just post the date on the website.

Also FRA easily the hardest section on that exam!!! Not discussing anything in particular, it was the most challenging for me.

Youth generally exudes confidence. But also they may have just finished up a finance and economics degree where they covered most of the topics and had 4 months after graduation to study. Or they may just be geniuses - who knows.

I didn’t think so but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses…

I found ethics most difficult.

I had an engineering background.

The key to passing the CFA is to answer the questions very fast. Don’t hover on any question for too long.

I want to ask others here. How did you calculate some of the statistical questions? I knew how to calculate but I still need to recollect and I needed to write the formulas down. And then do step-by-step calculations. I couldn’t answer the question in 1.5 minutes.

Seems to me that you need to know your answer from the tip of your fingertips.

I completed the ethics questions 10 minutes earlier than the recommended time.

And overran the statistics and financial reporting sections by 15 minutes.

Which means extra of 25 minutes.

Honestly, if it was a question that I knew would take a while, I just skipped it and came back to it at the end - although a couple I wasn’t able to spend as much time on as I’d like. I would rather answer another five questions, than get into a personal battle with one of them.

Ideally, you can answer the question without any calculations. Often I find that even if I know how to do the question, I make an error on the calculator and have to redo it (doubles time spent) or that doubt creeps in and I running it another way just to “make sure” I have the right answer.

I was pretty much the same.

It’s an accomplishment just getting through the exam experience, especially for the first time. Good job to all of you. Best of luck.

am i the only one who found the afternoon session much easier than the morning? morning was trickiest for me, i cut it really close with the time.