The Official June 2015 CFA Level 1 Results Thread

Passed, all >70% except 50-70% for derivs, FRA and quants.


All >70% except AI (51-70)

All >70% except Econ (51-70)


Cleared albeit in a second attempt. Pheww

Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 10 - * - - Corporate Finance 17 - - * - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 * - - - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - * - - Fixed Income Investments 24 - * - - Portfolio Management 17 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 * - -

Passed with all >70%. All the studying pays off.

Congrats to all the others that passed. See everyone in the Level 2 forum.


<50 Corp Fin

50-70 Alt, Econ, FRA, FI, and Quant

>70 Derivs, Equity, Ethics, and PM

Passed !

I did it !

All topics above 70 % except for alt investments and fixed income (50-70%)

Congratulations to all who managed to pass and see you in a little while on level 2 forum :slight_smile:

Big thank you to everyone who contributed on lvl 1 forum, especially a huuge shoutout to Oscar and S2000 for their invaluable input :slight_smile:

Congratulations, Bob!

Congratulations, yashsr!

Congratulations, Jonathan!

Congratulations, hali99!

I passed and I really appreciate all the help I got from this forum!

>70% on all topics, at first attempt.

Motivated to attempt level 2!

Congrats to you all!!

Congratulations, Alpha!

Congratulations, Hydra!

Congratulations, bhhewitt!

Congratulations, jsvz!

Congratulations, LeChiffre!


Man…What a relief. Congrats to everyone who passed. If you didn’t pass, keep your head up and kill it in december!

Alts > 70%

Corp Finance > 70%

Derivatives > 70%

Econ <50%

Equity >70%

Ethics 50-70%

FRA 50-70%

Fixed Income 50-70%

Portfolio Management >70%

Quant Methods <50%

i passed!!! so happy!!

Congratulations, jersey!