The Official June 2015 CFA Level 1 Results Thread

Congratulations, sadik!

Congratulations, Olga!

Congratulations, Beta!

Congratulations, Joseph!

Congratulations, Gov!

Congratulations, maddin!

Congratulations, JDP!

Congratulations, avirex!

Congratulations, boki!

Congratulations, anxious!

Congratulations, bfry!

Congratulatins, pgibs!

Congratulations, Roger!

Congratulations, Mama!

Congratulations, Eagles!

Congratulations, shrutic!

Thanks, S2000magician :slight_smile: Thanks for all your help on the forum as well!


Quant, FRA, Ethics : 50 -70

Others: >70


Alt Inv: <=50%

Corp Fin: >70%

Derivatives: >70%

Econ: >70%

Equities: >70%

Ethics: 51%-70%

FRA: <=50%

Fixed Income: >70%

Portfolio Management: >70%

Quant: >70%

Overall pleased, although a little annoyed with myself for getting <=50% in two topics (but I guess a pass is a pass right?).

Also, thought I’d share this story with everyone since you all will appreciate how difficult these exams are. Two days before the exam, my (pregnant) wife went to get an ultrasound and the doctors had trouble seeing her water (thought maybe it had broken). They gave her an IV and then were able to see her water again and ssent her home. The next day (Friday), she went back for a follow-up, and again they couldn’t see water so the doctor told me to come to the hospital because they were going to induce. At this point I was sure I would be deferring to December, and was focused on my son coming into the world. However, after two more ultrasounds, her OB/GYN was able to see her water and they sent her home (at 8:30pm the night before the test). My wife told me to go take the test, since she wasn’t in labor and wasn’t planning on going back to the hospital until Saturday afternoon. After taking the test, I came home and found a text from my wife that she was 2cm dilated and to come to the hospital. A day later, my son was born! So was kinda cool to go from thinking of deferring to 12 hours later passing the exam. Hopefully Level 2 won’t have the same kind of drama.

(For those curious, apparently they couldn’t see the water because my son’s umbilical cord was unusually long).


All >70% except for Econ, FRA and FI (51-70%).

Long time lurker here, but thanks for all the help guys! See you soon at the L2 forums.