The 'r' for Durbin Watson is the 'r' for the residual upon it's lag?

And not the regular correlation r, right? I might take a bus on a psychedelic trip, reading murder books, trying to stay hip…

Why the billy idol?

^was on the jukebox and the lyrics made sense to me at the time…

Definitely insightful lyrics for a fake 80s punk pop artist. Good song. Always liked it. If I could do the lip snare I would do it every day.

I’ve passed level 2 but have no idea as far as the answer to your question. My advice, move on.

It really is a good song, and the video is really ‘cheap, dark, 80’s, slutty, prostitooty, stalking-ish…good’…

Especially that lyric… he’s actually ‘rapping’ those lyrics amongst an otherwise very melodic song.

Yeah, I spent way too much time on quant/econ which is not heavy weighted.

But I found out that the ‘r’ for DW is not the ‘r’ that is commonly known. That’s why if you plug in the correlation ‘r’ in the DW equation it’s wrong. it’s the ‘r’ for the error term lagged upon itself. not the actual variables r correlation.

Yeah, I studied all that quant shit a ton for level 2 because it was a real weakness. On test day I got just bullshit questions and felt stupid for even spending a moment on it. Still passed the section shockingly. Have you seen the video? The best art is when the chick smacks her own ass in time to the music during the beginning of the breakdown towards the end.

That is precisely what I was referring too in the video. Three black clad stockings tap their Buttocks when he starts rapping. Triple Tap. “Eyes Without a Face” Billy idol


Yeah, I studied all that quant shit a ton for level 2 because it was a real weakness. On test day I got just bullshit questions and felt stupid for even spending a moment on it. quote]

When you study a ton, most questions seem bull$hit questions.

^bullshit like easy? Or bullshit like I’ll fcking kill you mother while making u watch?

like easy.

When you are prepared, you find it easier than if you weren’t.


Bullshit as in, this is either so easy they are trying to trick me or this makes utterly no sense.


^ gross. gross us out.

so lean upon him gently…

and dont’ call Him to save you

from your social graces…

the bloody church of england…

in chains of history…

my friends…
