The SEC should investigate Schumer for rumor mongering...

He should have known better than to leak his critique of IndyMac to the press. I would guess his thesis was much less sound than those of many of the ‘rumor mongering’ funds the SEC subpoenaed. Funny Schumer story: I once sat in the row behind him on the Delta shuttle from New York to Washington, DC. For anyone unfamilar, it’s a flight that leaves every hour and seating is on a first come, first served basis. The rows are made up of three seats on each side of the aisle so people rush in to fill the window or aisle seat to avoid having to be cramped in the middle. Anyway, it was an early morning Monday flight, so it was packed. Schumer was one of the last people to board the plane and the few seats left were in the middle. This guy had the audacity to approach the guy in the outside seat in the row in front of me and actually ASKED him to scoot over so the esteemed Senator could have the outside seat! Surprisingly enough, the guy actually moved over! Power of perceived authority, I guess, but a dick move nevertheless.

I wouldn’t have done it without asking for a picture with the Senator first, that way I can carry it around and shove it in any cop’s face when they try to harass me and say “you’re f*ckin’ wit da Senator’s boy homes!” I was once on the M4 bus going up Madison Ave. after work and all the seats were taken. I was sitting in a seat near the front minding my own business when some fat, angry, middle-aged chick gets on and comes right up to me and tells me to get up so she can have my seat. I was about to tell her where she could go park her fat @ss when the wimp behind me stood up and gave her his seat. I am not in the business of giving up my seat to someone who feels they’re entitled to it just because they’re overweight and loud.

good points. but why is rumor mongering supposed to be bad ony when share prices are going down?. nobody complained when the prices were rising based on well, “hype”.hype is rumor dressed in a tuxedo

farley013 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wouldn’t have done it without asking for a > picture with the Senator first, that way I can > carry it around and shove it in any cop’s face > when they try to harass me and say “you’re f*ckin’ > wit da Senator’s boy homes!” > > I was once on the M4 bus going up Madison Ave. > after work and all the seats were taken. I was > sitting in a seat near the front minding my own > business when some fat, angry, middle-aged chick > gets on and comes right up to me and tells me to > get up so she can have my seat. I was about to > tell her where she could go park her fat @ss when > the wimp behind me stood up and gave her his seat. > I am not in the business of giving up my seat to > someone who feels they’re entitled to it just > because they’re overweight and loud. That was Mrs. Schumer.

its holmes, not homes

“Homes”…short for homey or homeboy.

The Intelligence Police should investigate the people who make investment decisions based on what people like Schumer say.

I have seen people ask for the outside seat before. It is often a request, not a demand. I wouldn’t know shumer from adam, but if someone asked for it I would ask for a reason. If it was health related or some other reasonable justification I would move. holmes?..I hope you were kidding.