The toughest SS

For me, it is SS17 - Performance Evaluation. What a load of s&*t! I can’t remember any formula because the underlying concepts don’t make any sense to me. I am thinking of skipping this completely. I was wondering which SS is the toughest one for you…

17 and formulas for options in SS15.

cfaboston28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 17 and formulas for options in SS15. yup! that is the second most tough one.

speaking of options - what is the group’s sense of the likelihood of a question to calculate gain/loss on some of the more complex strategies? I agree to the CFA “Fair Game Doctrine” but my gut tells me we won’t have to calculate a butterfly or anything like that. I could see more of a covered call vs. long put, or a qualitative question on bull call spread/bear call spread. Then again, I’m a repeater, so grains of salt are in order here.

Ashwin, I am thinking of skipping that all together as well. WTF. How boring and difficult to remember.

Why bother even memorizing all of the codes for options… just memorize what each one is (buy a low call, sell a high call) and then just think of it straight forward. They really are not that hard to figure out if you know what the type of option means.

boston21 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why bother even memorizing all of the codes for > options… just memorize what each one is (buy a > low call, sell a high call) and then just > think of it straight forward. They really are not > that hard to figure out if you know what the type > of option means. +1

I am reading SS17 right now…I’m secretly just reading quickly through the pages in an effort to finish it quicker…don’t recall anything. Options are cool. I agree with the other statements - just learn what is needed for each and then calculate the payoffs of each option and combine.

Here’s an idea, know everything and you’ll pass for sure :wink:

I am finishing up Reading 43 of SS-15. $^^& - I am so much behind you guys. For me, the toughest part has been the - SS38 . Commodity forward and futures Can’t still quite figure out how sometimes cash flows are calculated as no-ARB … Need lot of good luck for sure! Taking day of from work tomorrow to finish SS-15 tomorrow. Plan to start SS-16 on Thursday, April 22.