The vote is rigged!!

The Idiocracy is really getting bad, definition was included for people who don’t know what it means. enlightened

Waiting to hear ONE of their problems the Americans have actually solved in the last 10yrs…it’s very quiet from you guys…

What do you get out of this, PA? You say you don’t enjoy debating because you already know the solutions. You don’t provide solutions, either here or IRL (because then something would get done, right?).

So, the only logical conclusion is you’re trolling us. Can you convince me and the rest of AF you’re something other than a man living under a bridge?

Edit: clarity

PA is more articulate than the typical buffoon, but that’s really all his posts amount to.

Says the guy on the sinking ship to the guy who’s like “hey man, I think you got a leak here”. wink

I only work for the smarties these days, because “analysis for the decision makers” only works if the decision makers can understand the analysis. Still only around 40% or less understand my analyses, but those 40% do get things done.

Dude, we solved the problem of being cold when you’re under a blanket and need to reach for something. It’s called the Snuggie.

Yall have solved what? White rice and phones that unexpectedly catch fire?

His arguments always devolve into bashing America(ns). I wonder how the AF editor crew would respond to a troll posting non-stop vitriol for any other nation or a protected minority rather than “redneck trumpers.”

Bet you guys can’t go one week without saying the word argument. Notice how I never use the word argument, except when pointing out that Americans think everything is an argument.

You just used it three times.

^ Arguing about someone not using the word arguing except when pointing out that others argue, and say “arguing”, a lot.

Absurd? Yes! But that is American’s dysfunctional society. When again was the last time Americans solved one of their problems?? Waiting…

Four times.

Waiting…when did Americans ever stop arguing and just solve the problem? The 1950s?? laugh

I gave you one a few posts up, you chose not to respond to it, preferring to argue about the use of the word argument.

You can hide with your warm little snuggie while the Trump revolutionaries storm your house, hehehe… surprise

Snuggie ® is a registered trademark. Please refrain from referring to it with a lowercase “s” or you will be dealt with accordingly.

We solve a lot of problems every day. The ones that make it repeatedly into the newspapers are the ones that are intractable. You and your People’s Daily don’t talk about your intractable problems because criticizing the government is a crime against the state.

Persistent problems are my specialty. cool

Those are the ones that matter. And Americans are getting nowhere on those; the crowd grows dumber, and angrier, braindrain, thus intractable problem accumulation, it goes to a dark place.

It should be in the USA too. Arguing about your problems (criticizing) is worth zero. In fact it’s worth less than zero; the USG is crippled, the masses reading secret gov emails, discussing on TV, total paralysis of your weak gov officials. Meanwhile China goes on planning and getting things done.

So . . . follow along closely here . . . what?

You’re too modest.

In point of fact, you’re the poster child for persistent problems.

You don’t follow threads closely, you troll.