Things you wont never forget

That’s incredible to see how some of the subjects addressed in the curriculum left its mark on us. One of the best example is the “overconfidence bias” which is quoted so many times in here that i can imagine you won’t forget it ! Do you see other part of the curriculum that you won’t never forget and use as a reference when taking about your past experience as a CFA candidate ?

Never using a double negative

I cannot edit the post ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget the Georgian Growth Model.

Did you mean Gordon ?

Fridge Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Did you mean Gordon ? Yeah, the Gordon model P = D0(1+g)/E-r

soddy1979 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Fridge Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Did you mean Gordon ? > > Yeah, the Gordon model > > P = D0(1+g)/E-r thats the Georgian Model little known fact Gordon stole the model from him tweaked it and insta fame

pimpineasy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > thats the Georgian Model > little known fact > Gordon stole the model from him tweaked it and > insta fame Thanks, but seriously, how could “Gordon” (if that is his real name…) have thought you could link price to dividends and growth. What sort of crazy mumbo jumbo is this? Give me the Obbotsen Chong method over this any day.

I will never forget NOPATT MINUS WACCCCCC

GIPS man i love rereading GIP on Friday/Saturday nights …its really good stuff


ATH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > RRTTLLU tattoed on my private

1 + 1 = 2

pimpineasy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ATH Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > RRTTLLU > > > tattoed on my private Ha. Seriously, this is the only thing that stuck out a mere three weeks after the exam. I think these letters are burned into my retinas.

I’ve actually forgotten everything. How long can one retain THAT much info anyway!?

Well, since we had to cover it for three successive curricula, I’m pretty sure I’ll retain the CFAI Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct.

I’ll always remeber that Monte Carlo solves all problems. I just forget what it is.

Ethics- dilligence, prudence and care, knowledge of the law :slight_smile: and so on…

team_alex Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I’ll always remeber that Monte Carlo solves all > problems. I just forget what it is. +1

Has anyone ever worked with a “monte carlo simulator”?