i just deleted all my google ad stuff and search
i just deleted all my google ad stuff and search
Ya instead of making progress in fusion and flying cars and space travel and shit, we ended up just being one of the the timelines where all the tech advancement went towards improving advertising and surveillance on everyone
This information technology though, is probably a prerequisite to artificial intelligence, which is a widely explored topic in science fiction, always with utopian results…
Anyway, the guy didn’t say what they do with pron results. Like can they use your profile to design the ideal sexy robot or something. The possibilities are endless.
uh oh you’re picking up the lingo. Come on over to the woke side! Btw, we’re on the best possible timeline. Humanity’s liberation already happened and it is playing out now. Good times ahead, including free energy and eradication of poverty and disease!
i dont really give a shit waht kind of info people got on me. feel free to take that information and help figure out how to make my life easier!
I’m sure corporations have your best interests in mind, and are working on just that!