Time allocated to morning vs. afternoon session

Anyone else find they hadn’t enough time on the morning session and finished early on the afternoon session? I would have gladly taken one hour (at least) out of my afternoon session and taken it with the morning session. Has there ever been an official request/petition to the CFAI for a different time allocation on the morning vs. afternoon session?

I think virtually everyone that’s sat Level 3 has had this issue and it’s just the challenge of the beast.

I finished the am paper but in a mad rush and leaving a fair few marks on the table. Afternoon I was finished in 90 minutes, and that was after slowing down a bit when i realised i was half way through the thing in less than an hour.

This is a common experience.

I am not exactly the contrary as I rushed though the morning session too but did not find it easy on the afternoon session either

so nobody finds this year’s afternoon session a bit off the track?

the questions were no doubt straight forward but i feel they are not the most stressed and practised with EOC questions

feeling stressed…

AM easier, finished 10 minutes before time was called.

PM, finished in 90 minutes and half almost 10 educational guesses, 10 wtf ones … (not to mention ones i got wrong). In terms of time consumption, ethics consumed most of the time i spent on PM.

Hmmm, methinks that Bilal my have overestimated his morning performance.

Personally what I regret most was how I structured my answers. I knew CFAI would only look at the first 2 responses where they ask for 2 but I wanted to hedge my bets / show off and so wrote in prose as opposed to bullet points to try and mix additional answers in. I don’t think that was a good idea.

may … or may not :slight_smile: 7 days left …

if the afternoon session was allocated 2 hours instead of 3, it would still be less of a time crunch than the morning