Tinder, Bumble or Hinge?

But so much time saved. Putting in 15min of tindering after a long day of work and maybe setting up a date for the weekend. Very efficient! And once weekend comes around the corner, you’re already ahead of the curve and ready to go!

but how many of the swipes did you match with. how many of those chicks are you seeing person. how many are you actually making out with. how many are you grinding with. how many are you feeling up. how many are you sleeping with.
i have a higher chance of getting all that by going to the club for 3 hours than using tinder for 3 weeks at 15 min a day. it aint just by the odds, clubbing are higher in absolute terms as well.

I think I have a pretty high match-to-date ratio. Yeah, the dates aren’t always home runs because matches are often very different in person than online. Right now I’m sleeping with one of my matches and have two matches in the pipeline, I’d say that I’ll take down at least one of them. But for a guy like me who hates clubs and prefers boozing on my back yard instead of going to a bar, these apps fo sho cut out the necessity to go out just to maybe meet someone.

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hell during these times its the only thing available!

Just don’t fall for a girl you met on tinder.

Also, how is the rapport with your coworkers? Do you have any girls at the office you’re close friends with? They have friends broooo.

The “hey, samantha. How you doing today? Your elbows are looking on ‘point’ if I do say so myself. I was wondering though if you have any single friends that you think me meeting wouldn’t be a total train wreck? Regardless, let’s go to happy hour today? These TPS reports suck ass” is always a good card to have up your sleeve. But, it requires you to have a fire personality with lots of charisma and strong friendships with your co workers.

You can’t say that to a gal who just started. Lol.

with my good looks and your future economic potential we are unstoppable!

a bunch of us are grabbing drink after work if ur down. plans for the weekend. oh you go clubbing. me too. we should all chill. after party my place.

Let’s roll play.

Igor, ask out Nerdy.

I’ve never understood this logic. Is meeting a chick in a bar, gym, library or museum any better? Where I’m from, I’d say 90% of singles are on Tinder. It’s like the only online game in town. Does being on Tinder make a woman a ho? Not in my experience. With my ex, who I met on Tinder, it took like 2 months to get down to business. I’ve met so many cool, educated and classy chicks on Tinder that when someone says that you shouldn’t date someone from Tinder, it makes me feel like they don’t know what they’re talking about. Maybe it’s different in da US and A.

yep its 70% dudes and 30% women. and a large chunk of that 30% is fake profiles. lol

It isn’t. I met several women on Tinder that I still have platonic friendships with. I also met some sorostitutes and had to deal with scammers / “I just want to be spoiled and I know I’m worth it” types, but those are usually easy to weed out and can be encountered at social venues as well.

Bottle rats

I’d look at it differently if I were you. When you use an app, you need to understand the mathematics of the game - I’m referring to the 80/20 rule. Which is something apps allow both sexes to exploit.

You’re essentially never safe because of these apps.

I’m not really following you. 80/20 rule? Are you saying that 20% of users get 80% of the good matches?

How are people using these apps never safe?

rip formertrader

IDK if discussing the economics of dating are topics that are going to uphold the standard around the WC.

Riddle me this: why do people photoshop and put pics from like 10yrs ago on dating apps.

Long story short: matched with a ”10” on tinder. Talked for a few days and set up a date. When I saw her, I barely recognized her. Her pics were probably taken 50lbs and 5 yrs ago and she had never even been hot in the first place. It was all photoshop and camera angles and probably some hollywood level make up. I was pretty rattled but started wondering what’s the point? What’s the end game? Does someone really think that if you trick someone to believe you look like a model when in reality you resemble a sasquatch, your date is just going to take it in stride?

haha playa got played. we on x games mode bruh

Haha it was a pretty long drive too. Shooters shoot and sometimes you miss big time!