Tips For Final Round of Study (Dec)


I was just hoping to get a feel for what most people are focusing on at this point in their studies for the December exam. I’ve read through all of the material and am ready to firm up everything doing practice exams, etc but would appreciate any tips others have on how to approach this stage. Break it up and go back through section by section? Try to review all sections at once memorizing formulas along the way?

Any advice is appreciated!

Im using a combination of QBank and Elan’s Practice questions. At a minimum, I pretty much do 40 questions from QBank (all sections) every morning and review the LOS’s i had trouble with. After that, I try to review a reading or 2 a night and do Elan practice questions. It takes about a couple hours but I think itll be worth it in the end.

the last month, you need to stick with Q-bank and mock exams. try and google mock exams from years past and keep pounding through practice questions. This will really help re in force all ur concepts you have have learned thus far. Any areas you forget- re read the sections and carry on. Best of luck

Yes, focus on practice problems. The CFAi mock exams and sample exams that you pay for on their website are great. Take them now so you can focus on the improving weak areas. A lot of people are afraid to get negative feedback and either put them off until it’s too late to work on weak areas or they skip them all together. That’s a mistake. Another great way to study is to start going through all the end of chapter questions in the CFAi text. They are much better than q-bank in my opinion, but there are fewer of them. Even if you’ve already done them, it’s great to go back through a second time as a refresher. I always block of 2-4 days the week prior to the exam to focus on ethics since that is one area that is big, you know it will be tested, and it’s more of a memory thing rather than understanding concepts. It also leads off both morning and afternoon sessions, it’s always good to start off feeling confident. Lastly, I always made index cards with formulas and concepts. The stack will likely be pretty big, but I divided it into key concepts and everything else where the main concepts stack was much smaller. It’s easier to carry with you and gives you something to flip through on your downtime. I also found warming up your brain by reviewing the key concepts cards the morning of as you’re sitting in the lobby, and again over lunch a good way boost your confidence and to distract yourself from your nerves by focusing on what you know rather than worrying about what you don’t.

  • 1 to Black Swan I would also put good hard problems on notecards rather than a bunch of formulas. Better to see the real thing in practice.

I am doing about 60 qbank questions from a single study session every evening after work, while rotating the study sessions to make sure that they are all covered well. This helps me concentrate on one topic at a time, and also helps me understand and retain the concepts that I have missed a lot faster. 1-2 Full-length tests the week before the exam and ethics the last 2-4 days.

Might even want to do that full length two weeks prior so you have plenty of time to adjust your studying and put the result behind you if it’s poor, or if it’s good, it’ll help motivate you through the last push.

I am taking a live practice exam through BSAS/Kaplan on the 19th. I finished all the Schweser readings and concept checkers and am working now to get through all of the CFAI problems before. These are definitely helpign to retain the info. Do you think it’s a good idea to try and finish all of these before i take my first practice exam on the 19th, or try to take a schweser practice exam before this live one and hold off on some of the CFA. The plan if i finish all the CFA problems by the 19th is just to do straight practice exams from the 19th on til the test. Thoughts?

Either strategy will work fine tarik. As you work through the CFAi end of chapter q’s, mark ones you had difficulty with to create a short list for review if you’re concerned about possibly having extra review time.

While i was studying the books first time I had organized them in a way that they helped me out while revising. In my last month I used to appear in a mock on Sunday and the rest of the week I was revising 5 books in 5 days. It is possible for full time students and those who appeared with me and were doing jobs; they had taken 1 month leave. It helped me out dramatically as I was able to revise the books 3 times in 3 weeks and appeared in tests. The Sunday night after full mock I did not use to study a single word. The last week before the exam I did the CFAI EOC questions and appeared in the exam. I did not want to compromise at all that’s why I chose this way. I was able to pass the exam in first attempt and I believe the last month effort helped me out.

I want to warn everyone who uses Q-Bank. Q-Bank’s problems are quite easy., their are good to review, , but actual problems seems to be much harder. So better stick to mock’s/sample exams (CFAI or Schweser). I already finished readings, and doing problems, and I was scoring ~80% on Q-Bank, while only ~70% on mocks.