What would you say your mock scores looked like prior to the exam?
Averaged around 83% across all my 6 mocks in prep for L1. I took 3 Kaplan mocks, 2 from Wiley, and the one from CFAI. I think if you’re in the 65%+ range, you should feel confident come exam day.
I’m doing 75% average on the 6 mocks… However I’m still nervous…
How is the test 42% pass rate and 65% on the mocks is good to go? So you’re sayinh 60% of the students are getting sub-65% on their mocks?
Thank you for sharing. I have taken 7 so far between Schweser and Analyst Prep and recently have been averaging a 70 on the full mocks. CFAI now has 3 mocks available so I will definitely be doing those soon. I’ve noticed a trend where I’m scoring much higher on my AM sessions than on my PM sessions so I’m sure that just has to do with mental fatigue. I plan on taking 15 mocks total. I know that is probably overkill but I would much rather be over prepared for this exam than under prepared as I want to go for L2 in June and my plan is to start studying for it before I get the results for L1.
It’s not so much that people aren’t doing well in the mocks but the fact that people either sign up and don’t show up, don’t sit for the afternoon (because they think they bombed the morning session) or didn’t study much/enough to begin with and failed. It’s mostly that last group is what is driving down the pass rate…
That’s a must in my opinion. I did the Dec L1 --> June L2 track and began studying at the end of December.
You can be nervous/anxious, but confident too. I think with that average score you have every reason to be confident.
From my own anecdotal experience, I’d say more than 60% of L1 candidates have average scores across their mocks below 65%.
Around 80 % in Mocks to be over 95 % confident. Common opinion about the lowest Mock score where one may expect to pass is around 70%. However, there were many cases with real examination passing by candidates below 70 % in Mocks. It might depend on overall candidate’s state of preparedness for actual exam so borderline MPS may be lower related to long term average. However, taking an exam being not fully prepared is hazard strategy.
I was scoring around 65-75% on my mocks going into the Level I exam. I was mostly using old CFAI mock exams that I found online in addition to AnalystNotes mocks (which were much more difficult). I ended up passing with >70% in 5 sections and 50-70% in 5 sections.
Pass rates only reflect those who showed up and finished the exam. But yeah, especially in level 1 a lot of people just wing it and don’t put in the proper amount of studying.
IIRC my mock pass rates were hovering in the 65 - 70 range and I ended up in 70%+ in all but one section which I got 50-70