Trading Platform Opinions

Can anyone give feedback on the following trading platforms: InstaQuote, Redi, Real Tick, Neovest, Thinkpipes, DirectTrade, others?

Among those listed, I’ve used the first three and Redi is the best. It’s probably the best well known and it’s a good platform. I thought the other two were more on the basic side. Since a good amount of people are used to Redi, I would think they will remain the gold standard for awhile. I think Neovest is more dark pool stuff, but Redi has some functions for that as well (but for dark pool liquidity I like Liquidnet).

Is Redi broker-neutral or GS only?

Is Redi broker-neutral or GS only?

Is Redi broker-neutral or GS only?

Sorry, I have to use my Bloomberg browser at work. It didn’t look like the message posted the first few times.

I haven’t used Redi in years but I liked it.