More than Cruz and Rubio combined! 45.7%. So much for the supposed hard ceiling of 33%
This day was written in the Quran, Torah, and Bible.
Trump needs 1,237 delegates to take the nomination. If he doesn’t reach it, we could end up in a surreal scenario at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July where all the rest gang up and back another candidate. Unlikely but not impossible.
It appears he won all but 2 counties. Pretty impressive and scary.
Record turnout of voters in Nevada came out for Trump. Recall, US voter turnout has been around 40%.
If the “silent and angry at washington” folks come out in record crowds to vote for an outsider, Trump could see a ton of support
Perfect, now all we need is Bernie to pull out some wins and Bloomberg jumps in.
Scary. Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves…Palin, birtherism, tea party, etc.
or it’s Obama promising a ton, and delivering garbage.
Screw it. I want Trump. This is going to be fun.
Suddenly Kanye West as Trump’s running mate doesn’t sound ridiculous. Ego rules.
I don’t call that unlikely at all. It’s the rational path for the GOP.
Another reason why I left the GOP. Or is it the GOP left me?
Is New York in play if Trump takes the nomination? Thinking they might take him over a carpetbagger.
A record turnout has now occured in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. All because of Trump. Super impressive
If he wins the most delegates but then gets screwed at the convention, the GOP will just be begging for him to run 3rd party and sabotage them
putin > trump
As we get further into the primary season, maybe Republicans will come to their senses.
One can but hope.
geo: former_trader:Trump needs 1,237 delegates to take the nomination. If he doesn’t reach it, we could end up in a surreal scenario at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July where all the rest gang up and back another candidate. Unlikely but not impossible.
I don’t call that unlikely at all. It’s the rational path for the GOP.
If he wins the most delegates but then gets screwed at the convention, the GOP will just be begging for him to run 3rd party and sabotage them
Some people in the Republican party might see that as the least worst option. Sabotages the party’s chances this year but allows them to run someone fresh against Hilary in 4 years time.
As we get further into the primary season, maybe Republicans will come to their senses.
One can but hope.
But who? Cruz is insane and Rubio is inexperienced and can’t seem to get out of his own way.
former_trader:Trump needs 1,237 delegates to take the nomination. If he doesn’t reach it, we could end up in a surreal scenario at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July where all the rest gang up and back another candidate. Unlikely but not impossible.
I don’t call that unlikely at all. It’s the rational path for the GOP.
If republicans had “fixed” the primary process the way the democrats did by creating superdelegates, Trump’s delegate lead could be eliminated.