trump... so disappointing... such a failure. i had high hopes

Headline in the Onion…

Trump Blasts Critics Who Judge Neo-Nazi Groups By Most Extreme Members

His presser yesterday may be the most appalling thing he’s done yet. How anyone can still back this guy is nauseating.

The resistance to it does give me hope though. It really just sucks we have to live through this in the interim. What the literal fuck is he talking about yesterday. Very fine people? Nazis!?

people on The_Donald were raving about how he shunned the leftists and how that was his best press conference yet. Some people must have watched something else I guess

That’s it. The onion is done. They can’t top the absurdity of reporting this actual event. This is their high point. Reality has become weirder than their satire.

Well, to be fair, Neo Nazis are only a subset of white supremacists. KKK are not really Nazis, for instance, although they share many beliefs.

Claim: Trump calls Neo Nazis very fine people

Verdict: FALSE "REPORTER: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

TRUMP: Excuse me. They didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis. And you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.

You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me — I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name…

…The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest."

I think he’s doing a good job standing up to Antifa. Maybe the mainstream media wants to give them a pass, but not our guy. He’s defending the fabric of our civilization and most don’t even realize it

Hahaha. Fact Checker is legit. It’s definitely BS. I like it better than higgmond.

the fabric of this nation wtf. white supremacy? Statues of men who fought to break up this nation?

Violence on both sides is disgusting but one of these sides was filled with white supremacists and ended up murdering someone and injuring others with a vehicle in a terrorist attack. Remember after any attack when people would cry obama wouldnt say radical islamic terror? Trump has called it out on things that turned out to be something else completely, but when a white man drives a car into others his tone changes completely.

Look I am no fan of antifa but holy cow have people on the right allowed themselves to be sucked in by this cult of personality. Such a reality distortion vortex like steve jobs I guess. Defending the fabric of our civilization? Delusions of grandeur much?

Than there are the people claiming that confederates are great people fighting for what they believed in, which sure you can argue but I disagree with. Fighting for something wrong doesnt make you worthy of praise, if thats the case how can they reconcile those beliefs with their hatred for ISIS and muslims who are fighting for what they believe in.

False :-1:.

Unite the Right rally was organized by Jason Kessler, a white supremacist. They walked around with torches yelling “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil.” This was a white supremacist rally organized by white supremacists/neo-Nazis.

Check your facts, Factchecker :bulb:

B-b-b-but both sides…nah, pretty sure the issues most people have is with the white supremacist that drove his car into a crowd and killed someone. That is literally what terrorists in Europe have been doing :bulb:

Yeah, that fringe conservative group is such a threat. Meanwhile liberals continue to cover for assassination attempts on our elected republican officials and refuse to condemn an anarchist vigilante organization trying to suppress free speech from those who disagree with them. What’s more dangerous? White nationalists who most disagree with or the protected group of liberals out to silence the opposition by any means necessary.


i think people hate isis because of their methodology: terrorism. targeting weak innocent people to create fear.

but real quick. what started isis? do you think they randomly called jihad for no reason?

Wtf. The “fringe” conservative group has the support of the President, who has the support of the GOP. Downplaying it as no threat is ludicrous.

What support? That he won’t call out terrorists on the right and ignore those on the left? Pretty sure he said both sides, not the left side

its a deflection of blame for the murder of that woman. You think if the left killed someone on that right he would have talked about violence on both sides? Not a chance in hell. How come when some terrorist attack happens he never talks about all the terrible things we have done there? He is using the both sides to deflect blame off his supporters. Lets dispel one and for all with the fiction that Donald Trump doesnt know what he is doing, he knows exactly what he is doing.

My question about him defending the fabric of our society remains unanswered, did you realize that was a ridiculous comment?

You yourself are an immigrant. What makes you a ‘high’ quality immigrant?

What support? Um, the white nationalists and neo-Nazi’s believe Trump supports them and his actions this weekend and yesterday leave little doubt to see that that’s true. There’s really no need to go beyond this weekend as that alone is appalling enough but he had a racial discrimination suit brought against him, the Central Park Five situation, lead the absurd birther movement against Obama, brought Breitbart into the WH. The baseless Muslim ban. Transgender bigotry. I mean how many more signals can one give? If you’re a neo-Nazi you honestly don’t think you have a friend in Donald Trump?

Oh, so he doesn’t have to support them. If they believe he supports him, then that means he supports him. And keep cherry picking facts. I’ll cherry pick my own. Sure sounds like a racist to me.

Trump instead turned the estate into a private club that — unlike other Palm Beach old money resorts like the Bath and Tennis Club and Everglades Club — accepted as members Jews, blacks. . .

You liberals really need to figure out what you believe and what makes you upset. He does talk about us doing bad stuff. . .

Trump defends Putin: ‘You think our country’s so innocent?’

While you may want to encourage a militant wing to start fights with neo nazis and destroy monuments of time periods they disagree with, Trump is blaming both sides. Identity politics just creates in groups vs out groups and the liberal desire to keep building those divisions up is tearing the fabric of our society apart. Trump attempts to call out both sides, but instead the liberals just want to blame Trump for the KKK and take no responsiblity for the nuts on the left. And as a result, both of these groups will grow. I hope you are OK with contributing to the slow death of our society, Yay.