I watched it. Nothing substantive was really announced. It was just Trump giving high fives to himself. So it was basically like every State of the Union address. I think people are happy at his now demonstrated ability to just read the teleprompter for a whole hour.
I am not sure if he realizes that his clapping is audible from the microphone. So at those points where everyone stands and claps, you can hear his own loud and slow self clapping over the speaker.
summary: overall pretty good talk on what he plans to do, but no talk on how to pay for it. prolly wont get support without the details.
1 tril in spending. thats roughly 5% of GDP. so he spoke about speeding up gdp growth over 2%, that’ll do it.
lower corp taxes. that’s prolly why stock market is rallying. lower tax -> higher eps -> higher val. between govt stimulus and lower taxes is prolly what is causing market to rise.
no plan on how to pay for deficit spending. the issue here is he is essentially lowering taxes, increasing govt spending. so he is increasing fed deficit which irks fiscal conservatives. and from previous comment from treasury sec we prolly going to get some longer dated bonds to pay for it.
some talk on america first. how us cos are getting tariffs abroad. so its only right to tit for tat. but this seems like this will take a lot longer to handle relative to other issues.
reform pharma pricing. quid pro quo kind of deal. pharma to lower prices, and govt will lower reg
reform obama care. from how it sounded. they would not require people to sign up for it anymore. meaning high risk sick people will face higher premiums.
said some controversial statements on immigration crime. new dept of home sec for it. Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement office, or VOICE. people sounded pissed when he said what voice stood for.
It’s amazing that Trump has set the bar so low that when he’s able to read from a teleprompter for an hour it’s considered a victory. Has anyone ever had a bad speech in front of Congress? You basically have half the audience supporting every word, and the other half supporting part of it as well.
Like every other politician, his speech was overly general and all rhetoric. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to be repealed and replaced by now?
Yeah, never read the media, it’s source material or nothing these days.
It was good. Bannon/Miller write great positive-energy nationalist stuff. Everything was tactical, more assisted self-destruction of liberalism. The Dems yet again get forced into a position where they appear petty, anti-American, sore losers. And the media are forced to start hedging bets as they won’t survive 8yrs of this damage.
Hehe, this is another one of their brilliant tricks. The flaw of liberalism is that it is arbitrary, and of course liberals set themselves up as the arbiters. Only liberal’s protected groups matter (women, blacks, etc), other groups do not. This will enrage them, because now conservatives are picking a “special group”. As this plays out the public will notice lib’s control-freak anti-American characteristics. Baiting, baiting, and more baiting.
As I understand it, pretty damn big, which is scary. I’m not a fan of the increase in military spending, would like to see that go the other direction actually. Perhaps that’s where he plans to bury the cost of the border wall, another thing of which I am not a big fan.