typical denver

You’d have to pay me a lot of money to sit through that whole thing. Must be unbearable.

So Elon is on “the dope”. The opioid epidemic is truly out of control.

Both of these statements are correct.

Dinosaur detected…

This is the level of bad-ass we want out of a CEO. I’m investing everything in TSLA.

Elon Musk is the wealthiest African American.

edit: seriously though, musk doesn’t give a flying frick about any of the wall street dipshts. And honestly, that’s what pulls me into TSLA so much, is that I see a lot of similarities between him and Bezos of the 90’s. Now, that’s a very poor premise of why you should invest in a company I get it, but, the guy is also a visionary.

Besides, have you guys ever driven/sat in a Tesla? It sells itself. It’s an amazing product, everybody knows it… I really think they just need to solve their damn production issues, and it’s a $1,000.00 stock.

This is good for Bitcoin.

I’d be willing to bet the Woz smoked and continues to smoke tons of weed.

Actual Africans aren’t African American you cis male thug.

I’m thinking Musk is purposely trying to drive down TSLA stock price into a range that makes a take private actually feasible.

nah bro too many words. its just:

Elon is dope

both steve’s did… piles

But all Africans living in America are African-American no? In which case any gif using an African from Africa is relevant.


I think I like the fact that him smoking weed publicly on camera bothers uptight fuddy duds more than knowing he actually smokes or tried it

i heard there was a tweet somewhere where some guy said “Elon smokes weed and drinks whiskey and the stock falls 10%… wtf is wrong with this economy?”

people care about the wrooooong things.

Napoleon Dynamite shakes head

Stock is down because high up people keep quitting Tesla. They hired a head of accounting a month ago. He looked at the books and quit today. That’s pretty sketchy. You know the company lacks accountability to anyone but Elon Musk, so who knows what they are misrepresenting.

Elon issues is that he is spread too thin. Brad Garlinghouse Peanut Butter manifesto anyone? (Maybe someone will revive the Ripple thread now :wink: ) But seriously taking TSLA private will be good for all I think, except maybe not stockholders at 370/share entry. They won’t command that type of premium.