Turkey Coup

Funny how a country can turn so quickly, Turkey was liberalising and pushing to get into the EU only 10 or so years ago. Erdogan has fecked it.

I read something about the Kurds fighting ISIS in northern Iraq and Syria the other day and they were more scared of the Turks than of ISIS.

i was hoping this thread title was a typo. i would’ve killed for an in-depth discussion about Thanksgiving T+1.

Well the turks routinely bomb them with jets

While it might not have been practical to take over all airports (Erdogain departed from some vacation spot), it does seem strange that the coupers did not lock down the location of the President to begin with. I think the more likely explanation than conspiracy is that the coup was not well organized and they failed to consider numerous logistical issues. I mean, the whole thing did fail in the end (unintentionally, assuming no conspiracy).




Who wants some TUR etf? Stocks smacked back to 2009, 10x P/E, currency down, yield looks around 4%.
