Uh oh.. wife just vomited. I sit exam in 25 hours time

She’s had diarrheoa all night and just vomited. It’s 8am Friday where I am. There’s every chance I could already be infected with whatever she’s got. Seriously wtf do i do?

I’m still sitting the exam no matter what, even if I end up vomiting in the waste paper basket in the exam room. Any strats? Load up on immodium and hope for the best?

might take a couple days for the virus to kick in if you did get it

otherwise…you’re so F*ckd

id get a hotel room to be safe.

on a lighter note, im less than 48 hours from the exam and im not even sick and i could vomit…lol

but seriously, first point i made.

plus, drink lots of water

Left work early today for same reasons. Think some bad Chipotle may have done a number on my system or picked up a bug. Slept maybe 4 hours last night. No vomiting yet, but several close calls. Soup, bananas, toast and Mylanta for next two days, hoping this passes.

Left work early today for same reasons. Think some bad Chipotle may have done a number on my system or picked up a bug. Slept maybe 4 hours last night. No vomiting yet, but several close calls. Soup, bananas, toast and Mylanta for next two days, hoping this passes.

play it safe take pepto now and just take immodium or w/e you need now. I remember going to asia and my brother and I ate street food and since american stomach isn’t made to handle it… well ya know what happens next.

but I took something before starting to eat and he didn’t and I was only 30% as bad as he was. He spent a few hours in the bathroom.

Play it safe… Go and book a room @ Hotel

We have a 7 month old baby so I have to look after her while my wife sleeps today. I’m hoping she’s feeling better in a few hours.

One time I had to sh*t in the sink in between exams.

pictures or didn’t happen