Unacceptable Work Experience

“Consult with Institutional Investors, Investment Advisors and High Net-Worth clients to analyze investment objectives and determine appropriate investment policy statements. Provide and apply analysis of asset allocation outcomes and recommend investment composition. Analyze and recommend tax planning strategies. Client portfolio reviews and rebalancing recommendations.” What do you think? I am frustrated as all hell now, especially considering my colleague whom I worked side-by-side with in the same role received full credit. I have had email and phone contact with the CFAI and it just seems like there is nothing I can do, they have decided to single me out and pick on me.

First of all, leafs do not rule. Kings rule. I think you need to be more specific. “Analyze” how? Have you gone through the L3 LOSs and picked out key words in the LOS which directly corresponds to your experience? Generic words such as “analysis” and “consult” need to be expanded upon. For example, take LOS 16 (e) and say: “Determined client’s core capital and excess capital based on mortality probabilities and Monte Carlo analysis.” That is better than “Client portfolio review and rebalancing recommendations.”

I have submitted two email addendums specifically referencing my detailed experience and tasks to LOS, as well as to the specific criteria for acceptable work experience, and to specific “acceptable” work experience definitions on the the CFAI website.

how many addendums are you allowed? Or did they tell you it’s over and done with?

I am not sure, I think all hope may be lost. They accepted 36 of my months, but rejected 12. The worst part though is that they said of the 36 months (working in equity analysis and portfolio management), counts now, but may not when I reapply. In our shop, a subsidiary of a large global manager, 18 of 30 employees are Charterholders. I had many of them review my work experience and confirm that I meet the criteria. I had the person who I worked under for the 12 rejected months, who is also a Charterholder, review my experience and inform me that it should qualify. I have sent an email to my local society now outlining the situation and asking if they are able to assist me.

?? the 36 months won’t count when you reapply? Does an addendum to your work experience count as reapplying?

As in, they reserve the right to completely morph what is considered acceptable work experience arbitrarily at their perogative. I spoke to the fact that I used our proprietary models to analyze asset over and under allocations, they told me that because I didn’t invent and create the model myself it wasn’t involved enough… beyond ridiculous, I guess if you didn’t invent the concept of Free Cash Flow modelling you are screwed, applying it for analysis just isn’t good enough. I thought that they had a mandate for transperency and fairness, but my personal experience is one of personal subjectivity and opacity at this point.

That is really odd that they didn’t accept that experience. Did you ask your colleague that you worked with side-by-side to share his experience write-up? If you did the same work you could take his experience word for word and submit it as your experience.

yeah thats weird. i do pretty much the same thing and mine was accepted no problem.

Wow, sounds like you should be accepted. Is there something you aren’t telling us?