UnderDog community ;)

well i kno there are a lot of superstudds finished with course and giving samples and scoring >70% while there are underdogs i m sure who many of the forum members would hav said go take a june date started studyin seriusly only in novembor…and each de they come on the forum and just feel one thing they are behind. wel mates u r not behind there are lot of us like that… and dunt give up till 5 pm on the exam de… because we are studyin last min our retention would definetly be better :wink: dunt give up not now…fightin is fun and seriously lets just all do question banks now just give it all for once… who knows we may be the ones comin out smiling of the exam .

It’s the most amazing thing about this test. Most of the people who start early, study diligently, take courses, and stuff are just wasting their time. Most of the people who pass the test (and < 40% who actually sit for the test pass it) just start studying a couple of weeks ahead of time and cram all this stuff in their heads. Also, I’ve noticed that the test is heavily biased against people who can spell. You should be in good shape.


wow joey bro u r the mentor of this comm now u bolster our confidence like ne thin :wink: another thin i wanna say to this community yes we started late… n thats coz we are lazy bums now lets get our ass on fire coz we are too lazy to do it again :wink:

luckyme Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wow joey bro u r the mentor of this comm now > u bolster our confidence like ne thin :wink: > > another thin i wanna say to this community > yes we started late… n thats coz we are lazy > bums > now lets get our ass on fire coz we are too > lazy to do it again :wink: lolzzzz :slight_smile: just a relax :slight_smile:

dada engine ^^

i was this person who started studyin seriously barely 30 days from the exam without ne finance background i m not sayin to ne of u to do that… believe me … if u do that … u will be peein in ur pants till the result de… but all i m sayin to all the readers that… this exams is far from the most of the challenges we give ourselves… and wid a lil bit of belief in ourselve we do make it i kno…when i say this i hav to try too hard for my level 2 :wink:

wow… congrats, and you might have some work to do for LIII.


Reading this thread is as painful as watching a Soulja boy video…what is the world coming to.

superman that hooooo superman that hooooo superman, superman, superman, superman…

I really do envy your sanguine attitude and inner strength luckyme… I’m slogging my ass off wondering if I’m gonna pass on a daily basis… I study in the office(unfortunate enough to be gainfully employed), in the train and at home. Sleep?What sleep?4 hours is a nap. Trawl the forum here like a laid-off ninja assasin looking at stuff people say and make really really small notes(Flashcards) which I stick into my BIG notes when I get back home(Read: Schweser & Stalla. No. I don’t have the time for CFAI) JDV can afford the humour cos he’s a charter holder(and can actually be considered a mentor of this forum along with a couple of other guys)!!! I…luckyme, I’m just grateful to you cos you got me so p**sed off. Realised I haven’t vented randomly in a while about my “life”!! Muchos gracias!Be seeing ya in Level II mate…now where’s that double-shot caffeine? Guess you really are lucky… :-))

Guy, I find the Soulja boy comment offensive. Pick on Will Ferrell or Jim Carrey Now those guys are painful to watch.

You find my comment offensive, wow. Ask yourself this question, how many people in the field of work that you want to be in would disagree with me? …soulja boy is an idiot, a grade A class act Idiot…The only thing I have to do prove this point is highlight his lyrics in his newest music video… “YAHHHH TRICK YAAAAAAAAAHHHH, I looked at my report card, all F’s, i took it to the teacher and said THROW SOME D’s on it” That my friend, or should I say guy, is painful to watch.

ca-cbv-cfa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You find my comment offensive, wow. Ask yourself > this question, how many people in the field of > work that you want to be in would disagree with > me? > > …soulja boy is an idiot, a grade A class act > Idiot…The only thing I have to do prove this > point is highlight his lyrics in his newest music > video… > > “YAHHHH TRICK YAAAAAAAAAHHHH, I looked at my > report card, all F’s, i took it to the teacher and > said THROW SOME D’s on it” > > > That my friend, or should I say guy, is painful to > watch. LOL Soulja boy actually is a class act twat. I have a friend that Unfortunately worships him. I wave a white flag. Peace

“YAHHHH TRICK YAAAAAAAAAHHHH, I looked at my report card, all F’s, i took it to the teacher and said THROW SOME D’s on it” Haha…lighten up people.

Ummn…does that work for CFA graders too?Go to them with the <25% and tell em to throw some >70% on it!!! :slight_smile:

Well u never no until u try. But a glock in hand would help alot