Unofficial poll not looking good for Trump

I guess I’ll stick with the hyperlink then. I mean, the content is already not worth the pixels it’s printed on…

I hear he plans to invest the surplus in 2x ETFs.

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Not sure why that link did not automatically generate an embedded video for you. Here it is using the same link:

Thank you kindly, Chad!

Interesting observation, I’m in Vegas, which is about as blue as Nevada gets, feels like the opposite here. Most of us prefer the third party, Giant Meteor 2020, though. A majority of the people here are frustrated with Sisolak, you’ve got ~1/3-1/4 of the town out of work and people are getting tired of Californians moving in and bidding up housing (of which I’m one), right or wrong, it seems they associate team blue with this vs. red.

Who knows how it plays out, I just like to make popcorn and see what form of crazy people hate less this four year cycle.

How much you pay in rent over there? Or how much you pay for a house?

When I first arrived I paid rent 1030 for 1100 sq. ft & a golf course view over the fairway, homes scale in the same way. If you like dry heat and avoid the strip it’s a pretty nice place to raise a family. Public schools are an issue though, definitely worth the money to get the kids set up for private IMO.

jesus its so cheap over there. a similar sq footage in los angeles is prolly 2.2k. but if we’re talking about 10 years ago. it was prolly 1650.