Hey, Last year I purchased the entire package from Stalla but I don’t want to go down that expensive route again, however I found some of the videos to be very helpful. Does anyone know where I can download videos for CFA Level II? I have a rapidshare account… Many thanks, V
Viper, Could you Email me on anupamjain008@gmail.com? I had received some very useful Videos from Stalla as a part of their marketing drive for L2. Let me know and I will be glad to share with you. Excellent stuff!
Vhi, do you want to swap the Video with me? I bought Schweser VCD for last yr L2 and I would like to try Stalla Video this year, but don’t want to spend that kind of money. Let me know if you are interested and how many VCD does Stalla have for the L2 last yr? Does it come with the books? Mine has 2 Video slide books. my email is 5eric11@gmail.com. thanks, Eric
Stalla’s videos are hands down better than Schweser’s. The books are neck and neck, you really can’t go wrong with either.