"We pay your bonus..."

nuppal Wrote: > I was reading the comment written by someone > yesterday who was pissed at BoA because of his > overdraft fee’s. He said “I went to the movies, > bought popcorn, then went to Fridays (something > along those lines). Then we had to pick up my > wifes meds which I knew would over draft me, > however, since they are vital to her health, I > figured I could handle a 35 fee…” > > What I want to know is that, if this guys knows > his account is low, why the hell is he dropping 30 > dollars to see a movie and another 30 to get > dinner? Why can’t he watch cable and throw a > hungry man in the microwave? He represents 70% of GDP, can’t ignore him, see… now even Obama thinking on his lines. Bank bashing is becoming favorite leisure time activity of people. I think, now finance people should get even more bonus to compensate for bearing this crap too :D.