What did you think about the exam?


this legit almost happened to me. i was in a state of utter panic for a minute or so, as i skipped a couple questions purposelly, b/c they were taking me too long, but 20 questions or so later I scanned over my answer sheet repeatedly to find the last question i skipped, and couldn’t find it!! i was straight up panicking, fearing the biggest fail of a brain-fart…luckily i was obviously scanning over the sheet too quickly, and sure enough i had skipped it and the answers all lined up. but damn, this type of thing is definitely realistic lol. i generally put a dash beside the question on the answer sheet when i skip one, so it’s easier when i come back, but i forgot this time. /csb

Ouch…I had a similar experience before (not cfa exam) as SHoot 85… I understand your pain But to be honest, the actual exam wasn’t as hard as the mock or cfai past papers because those practice exams had a full of trick and long wordy questions involved, even it’s hard to understand the question. Whoever got marks greater than 70% for each of the full exam provided by the institute, you can be assured your pass unless you had unpleasant conditions on the exam day. Let’s all chill and relax, waiting for the next 6 weeks.

Are you personally guaranteeing this? I’m sure some people on here would like that offer! wink

I’m just simply explaining a logic; why would you fail in one when you have consistently passed other harder exams?

I got it-- I was just making a joke. I agree with you that it’s less likely to fail the actual exam given strong scores on the mock exams (ceteris paribus).

hahah love the CFA studying memes. relieves the stress :slight_smile:

There should be one of a very frightened and surprised face for when the answer you calculate is none of the three options availabe.

Actually i love this because it forces you to approach the problem in a different way altogether. The worst is when you are unsure, and two calculations you made yield 2 different results that are on the exam book. Thats when panic and depression hits you laugh

So, I ordered the Level II books for June 2015 as a way to hedge my bets and start a little earlier than middle/end of January. Now that I’ve done that, I’ve become more unsure regarding how the exam went-- anyone else have this feeling? I did pretty well on all my mock exams and CFAI subject tests, but I guess until I see the results I’ll be unsure!

schweser is giving all level one candatides free access to the q-bank and the first lecture session to book one until february.

I did see that today, actually! But it’s essentially the qbank and what, ethics/quant? I think the q-bank is the biggest freebie there. I’ll take a look though.

My response to feelings of self-doubt is to study level 2 like a mad man. This should get your mind off the constant worry of the level 1

I agree with both of you.

I have just received the Schweser Level 2 books. Going to start studying for level 2. A cursory glance at the next level makes me so glad that I took advanced econometrics in college and minored in statistics! Wrote a 30 page paper on an ARIMA (p,d, q) model for time-series forecasting. Feel really bad for people trying to understand autocorrelation for the first time.

Totally agreed. Level 2 will be tougher than level 1, but it is so much more familiar and related to my studies!

Maybe not a question associated with the topic but don’t want to create another one

so, here’s my question

I registered for the level 1 in June 2015, and let’s suppose I fail it

Can i take level 1 again in December 2015 or do i have to wait another year ?

You could retake it in December if need be.

Okay, thanks for the answer

Got confused reading some information online and thought that there’s only 1 attempt per year even if it’s level 1

Is the free Schweser level 2 intro only if you used them to prepare for level 1? I was on their website and didn’t see anything about it. I used Elan but after reading the not so good reviews I’m thinking of switching over this go around.

I got the thing from Schweser in the mail two days after I ordered level 2 stuff. Oh well, at least quant looks easy having done econometrics.