what is this term "hacksaw" I keep seeing?

this thread is like the best and worst of analyst forum in microcosm. some douchebag on a rant about betas in bold and then a top quality anecdote about trolling earnings calls.

AF could be the anons of Wall Street. And Bro is our Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes had a less-than-desired fate… I don’t know that Bro would like that ending

this was bro during the call ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10385570_725361494226901_2420822811478433657_n.png?oh=81e565dba8a4a0b68b7394b34a2976b9&oe=5545AF13& gda =1430094746_6ee3c3ffc473a29c09b97d70dbec94b6)

LOL that run though, god bless Marshawn Lynch. That guy is inspirational on many levels.

hawks all the way!