What is your biggest fear to FAIL

Hey Guys

I know we all are sailing in same boat with lot of apprehensions, mood swings,thoughts , dreams etc etc while we are waiting for results… Though some would behave cool but deep inside i am sure they share same feelings.

I was just wondering to discover what makes me fear failure. Is it peer pressure, reputation in organization , career (seriously) or some other out of 100 possible reasons.

I thought on this and concluded that its “The study which i’l have to do again for same level ,whole next year”.

I think it would be fun to discover what actually is leading to desperation of passing. So what’s your FEAR … ???

My “FEARs” in order:

  1. Having to shell out another chunk of change for the same test

  2. Have to explain to family & friends why I spent 300 hours studying for something that essentially did nothing for me on paper

  3. Explain to the same people why I’m “wasting soo much time” on the CFA

  4. Not being able to hold my poker face when acquaintances and some co-workers “enjoy" that you don’t pass. Some people just don’t want others to succeed.

and my biggest FEAR

  1. waking up in the dead of winter (freezing cold, pitch black) at 5 am to get a few hours of studying in before work and then study all day Saturday & Sunday…for the SAME exam. Oh, and study when Spring finally arrives….

Well that was depressing but its pretty accurate.

broken heart


Feeling like I’m a year further away rather than a year closer

Failing, and then convincing myself the CFA is not a wast of time.

Passing, and renewed motivation to plow forward.

The most exhaustive list … yes

probably for some period i might have low self esteem :frowning:

Thinking of the Dollar for the next siting-If I fail!

Biggest fear, missing another 6 months of seeing my son grow. Can’t fail, man… just waiting on D-day.


I simply can’t imagine studying the same material again…with no job prospects I am questioning this even more…

Having to wait so long in between taking tests and losing the will to deal with this bs anymore. If I could take the test a week after I found out I failed I honestly would not care that I failed.

Biggest fear - telling my brilliant co-workers that have passed all 3 levels that I friggin failed. That, and having to repeat another year of L2 ughhhh.

For me the ONLY fear is to sit through one year all over again - Nothing more. I dont care a effin damn on what people think if I failed. But I agree it could be lot different if there are many charterholders near me or in my organisation :slight_smile:

Biggest fear is disappointing myself, family, friends and co-workers. That’s eating me up inside.

Ditto! It sucks when there is sooooo much peer pressure @ work.

It reaally about toiling hard again for the exam. And a lots of burden to clear it…

I’d just be pissed off I spent all that time and money preparing for something that I know I’m capable of passing only to fail. I’m also stuck in a glorified back office role and the CFA was part of my plan to get out of there ASAP. I feel like I put in a lot to prepare and it would be very upsetting to me to have to go through the whole stress of level II all over again. Ahhhhhh.

CMLSML - I agree too much of peer pressure is just not good :S

Steely Dan - +1 mate. Stuck the same way! CFA is my long term hope as well - I dont expect anytthing to change in my life on July 25th (ie if I cross level 2 hurdle) :slight_smile: