What is your number pick, your score (ranges ) in AM, and PM?

You can be specific with how much you think you scored by the question, but please do not mention the topics/subjects

If your pick results match your only windfall is … probably credit from others

e.g: 3 topics between 50-70, 2 topics < 50, 5 topics >70


Can only be very confident to say I am sure one specific AM question definitely <50%, as I noticed I only had time to deal with 2 questions while I had 3 left, so I made a tactical decision to leave it last. Finally I got chance to do 1 subsection of this question, but still not enough for half of it even if I got the full credit of this subsection, and I am pretty sure I can’t get the full credit:) For the rest of questions, both AM and PM, to be honest, no idea, although I personally think I should not have any question in PM <50% except ethics and GIPS maybe(no idea for these 2 parts).


3 below 50

5 between 51 and 70

2 above 70


1 below 50

6 between 51 and 70

2 above 70

a lot of mediocrity there. doesn’t say much. except 2 of the 3 essays below 50 are zeros so i think that puts me in band 8, 9, 10 range

I will document my guesses as this could be fun (or depressing) to look back on on 8/8. Guesses are based on 50- / 50-70 / 70+ formatting. I initially put 1/4/5 in the PM but given that only one scoring outcome (exactly 4 out of 6) puts you in the 51-70 grouping, it seems less than likely that you’re going to land 4/10 or more in that category so I moved one up.


3 / 4 / 3


1 / 3 / 6

AM 1/6/3

PM 2/4/4

AM 2/3/5

PM 2/4/4

AM 1/4/5

PM 1/2/7

Them’s good numbers.

Were there 10 questions in the AM session?

Well, AM I have no idea but I think did OK. I’ve never been exposed to any scoring other than my own subjectivity, so why not at be optimistic. PM I felt good and can only go off feeling, confidence and the fact I have received 70%+ category in all topics but 2 between both levels; never have a <50% category.

AM 2/2/6

PM 0/2/8

i have the worst score so far rut roh

AM 3/4/3

PM 3/3/4

AM 3/3/4

PM 1/2/7

Not sure on AM, it could be a lot worse.

PM I was pretty confident, that I knew most of the material.

AM 2/4/4

PM 1/5/4

Initially, felt much better about AM, but time has eroded my confidence, much like theta for option value. Took a bearish view on PM; in hindsight, think i made some silly errors from pure exhaustion. Should be interesting to see how far we all deviate from our own personal subjectivity.


L1 scores were - 1/2/7

L2 scores were - 1/2/7

L3 - AM - very subjective assessment is slightly worse than above L2 scores (could be worser if expectations on answers are very different) and PM - probably better than above.

AM: 1/4/5

PM: 1/3/6

I don’t understand those matrices.

no of topics you expect scores in <=50,50-70,>70 range


Expect 2-3 of <=50, 2 of >70, and rest in the mid interval.


Expect 1 of <=50, 3 of >70, rest in the mid interval.