What to accomplish with your game of Life?

50 years from now, what do you hope to have accomplished with your game of Life? I’m not talking about money or cars or power, but what kind of change do you hope to make? Do you hope to donate it to a homeless shelter or low income neighborhoods? I would think most are in their 20s, 30s, 40s on here in the game of Life, so we all have many years left to make a difference before the game is over. How would you like to leave your mark on this make believe world?

I want to use my money to set up a political action committee to support libertarians nationwide. They are all nuts, but it is a good way to split the hick vote.

I love libertarians too. I think that’s what I’ll do with my wad as well.

Count me in on that too… Libertarians rock.

Set my kids up with the advantages I didn’t have. Raise good kids and take care of my wife.

joemontana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Set my kids up with the advantages I didn’t have. > Raise good kids and take care of my wife. And make sure they’re safe in the little plastic car…right now the way the people stand on the roof as the car drives along, that’s just an accident waiting to happen.

start a business that will outlast me

I’d like a small island named after me, like Australia…