what to do know?

Hey Guys Just wanted to know, after doing all the mocks (I have done them 3 times each). What are you guys going to do? Reread? Crib notes? I am going through all the mocks and choosing to me are the toughes questions and going to go through them one by one and pick off Each LOS, I am not good at. Any other suggestions?

I would get wasted the night before but other than that, I would just rest up and reread the answers to the mock

Getting wasted!!! Aaah I can’t wait

"after doing all the mocks (I have done them 3 times each). " dang… that’s some intense studying u got going on. don’t think i have the time or the willpower to do that. kudos.

I am not a big reader and not the smartest person. But I can churn out questions.